A Xmas Poem


T’was the night before Christmas when down by the stream
The full moon looked out on a chill river scene.
A lone trout was sipping a midge in his brook,
Untroubled by worries of fishers with hooks.

Then from above a small sleigh did appear
Pulled by a brace of eight tiny reindeer.
It swerved of a sudden and down it did glide,
Settling its runners along the streamside.

The fat, jolly driver dove into his sled
And emerged with his four weight held high overhead.

‘Thank you my elves for this wand smooth as silk.
This break will be better than bikkies and milk.”

So saying, he jumped from his sleigh with a chuckle,
Hiked up his boots and cinched up his belt buckle.
Santa meant business that cold summer’s eve.
A fish he would catch - that you’d better believe.

Looking upstream and down, he spotted that trout,
Then he open his flybox and took something out - “Size 32 midges are only for faddists
I’ll go with my favourite tan reindeer caddis.”

So he cast out his line with a magical ease
And his fly floated down just as light as you please.
And it drifted drag free down the trout’s feeding lane,
But the fish merely wiggled a fin of disdain.

“Oh Adams, oh Cahill, oh Sulphur, oh Pupa,
Oh Hopper, oh Coachman, oh Olive Matuka!
I’ve seen every fly in the book and the box.
I’m old and I’m wary and sly as a fox.”

“To catch me you’ll need an unusual gift,
For a present this common no fin will I lift.”
Old Nick scratched his head for his time it grew short
The reindeer behind him did shuffle and snort.

He looked once again in his box for a fly
When a pattern compelling attracted his eye.
“The Rudolph!” he muttered and grinned ear to ear
“Far better to give than receive, so I hear.”

So he cast once again and his magic was true,
And the trout it looked up and knew not what to do.
“This fly has a body of bells don’t you know,
And if that’s not enough there’s a shining red nose!

I know it’s fraud and I know it’s a fake,
But I can’t help myself. It’s I gift I must take!”
So he rose in swirl and captured that thing,
Flew off down the stream. Santa’s reel it did sing.

“Ho!” shouted Santa, “You’re making my day.
If the heavens were water, you’d be pulling my sleigh.”
So, Santa prevailed and released his great rival
First taking great care to ensure its survival.

He then mounted his sled and he flew out of sight
Shouting,”Merry Caddis to trout and to all a good night!”

Newsletter December 2013

Greetings fellow fly flickers,
I’m told to get a buzz out of life take a kid fishing. So I asked the kid would he like to go to Merrijig with the club for a weekend of fly fishing.
Well the kid is 28 but he agreed, so a crash course of approximately 1 hour of casting on the green banks of suburban Mt Martha, i.e., the nature strip, Then it was off to the Gentleman’s outfitters – the shed where waders, vest, rod and reel were selected and we were ready for the weekend.
Friday afternoon saw the kid on the Delatite with clear water, sunshine and a casting style that was looking alright but no fish. Saturday saw four of us walking down the slope to Gardiner’s hut on the Howqua. Once again great looking water a magnificent setting and still good weather.
So with a few more casting and upstream craft instructions we let the kid loose. Several trees, the odd wind knot, a bird’s nest, loss of several flies and did not see or hear a fish move anywhere, it wasn’t looking great. The day ……..

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Bruce & Fish

Bob & Bruce at Jindabyne

Whilst members attended the Club Trip to Merrijig, Bruce and Bob were in Jindabyne with a boat they towed up for a spot of lake fishing.

Lake Jindabyne from front door

Lake Jindabyne from front door

The report is that the weather was great but the fishing was crap!

I understand that the salmon that Bruce is holding was devoured by the pair of them at an evening meal.

Bruce & Fish

Bruce & the fish

After the last few fishing reports from all over – Wastell, Lake Fyans Fly in, Merrijig and now Jindabyne – that the fish are taking their Xmas break early!!

Merrijig Team 2013

Merrijig 2013

Eleven members attended the annual Merrijig weekend fishing the Delatite and Howqua Rivers – with some venturing further afield.

Wading Howqua

Howqua River

Friday night saw some venture down to the Delatite around the vicinity of the bridge where a couple landed fish, before returning to the accommodation at Victoria Police Ski Club. After dinner members engaged in the usual fishing banter and as usual the stories got taller with the consumption of a few convivial drinks.

Saturday morning members moved off in groups to fish their selected spots full of anticipation for a great day’s fishing ahead. There were lots of campers by the rivers but very few fishers – an ominous sign for the day ahead! Despite a hard day’s wading and trying a number of presentations nobody managed to even see a fish – let alone land one.

Merrijig Team 2013

Merrijig Team 2013 on the terrace

Saturday evening was spent in pleasant company around the lounge exchanging fishing tales before heading to bed for an early night.

Sunday, after the clean-up was done members moved in various directions to fish other rivers on the way home.

Another great Club Weekend – despite the disappointing lack of fish.

An Evening with April Vokey hosted by Ballarat Fly Fishers

The Ballarat Fly Fishers Club is hosting an evening with April Vokey on Monday 10th of March, 2014.

April will be doing a presentation on swinging flies and talking about her Steelhead experiences in their Club Rooms on the banks of Lake Wendouree in Ballarat.

Tickets are only $20 per person, however bookings are essential and numbers are limited.

April Vokey AdvertismentThe event aims to raise funds to assist BFFC members who have been selected to represent Australia at International level in Competition Fly Fishing.


Pro-Angler Movie nights

Gavin is hosting movie nights at his Bentleigh Shop. These are great nights with lots of food, drink and gifts.

See the attached flyer -  Pro-Angler_2013_Movie_nights

devilbend reservoir fly fishing

Newsletter November 2013

Greetings fellow fly fishers. Well it’s been a busy month with the Fly-In at Lake Fyans followed by the Wastell Trophy at Cairn Curran the weekend after that.
After all that fishing and no fish, but I can say I had a lot of good company, all in the same boat!!
To finish the month I was joined by 14 other members in a weeding day at DevilBend’s Conservation area.
I hadn’t expected the weeds (small trees) to be so big but that didn’t deter our gallant band of workers.
Many thanks for a job well done fellows. It should earn the club a few brownie points with Parks.
Hope to see you on the water some time soon……….

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Devilbend Weeding Day

Devilbend Weeding Day

Fifteen members attended the Devilbend Community Weeding Day on Sunday October 27th. The roll-up of members was great and we certainly boosted the numbers from other groups in attendance.


Russ & Steve

The task was to remove pittosporum, boneseed and other non-native plants from a defined area. Following training in what to look for, how to remove the weeds and a Workplace safety briefing from the Parks rangers we moved into the defined area and started work.


Ben tackles a pittosporum

All equipment and material was provided and we certainly made an impact in the three hours allotted. Following the working bee we adjourned to a BBQ sausage sizzle lunch provided by Parks. This gave us a further opportunity to interact with members of other interest groups who were present.

Devilbend Weeding Day

Ranger briefing

Devilbend Weeding Day

Members and local interest groups mixing

Devilbend Weeding Day

Members at the BBQ

Devilbend Reservoir

Devilbend update

At our last Club Meeting (October 24th) we were addressed by Libby Jude – Chief Ranger, Mornington Peninsula District from Parks Victoria.

Libby frankly responded to members questions about the future development of the Reserve. In particular she drew our attention to the Master Plan (checkout this link) and the targets listed therein. It was pleasing to note that further access tracks are being progressively opened including access to the Derril Rd side of the reservoir including a new proposed fishing zone.

The weed problem in front of the fishing platforms will probably only be solved by extending the platforms beyond the weeds as any other form of removal would require an ongoing and annual commitment of resources.

She drew our attention to the grant application process for funds to assist us with activities at the Reserve such Clean-up Days, Fly Fishing introduction days etc.

Water levels and quality are being monitored with the aim of regulating a consistent level that does not damage the infrastructure already in place and allows for consistent access to the walking tracks and fishing platforms.

Bittern Reservoir is included in the Master Plan as is the use of float tubes and other non-powered craft – it was suggested that these  may be introduced in stages to assess their impact on wildlife.

Overall members were optimistic about the future of the Reserve and enjoyed a very informative discussion.


Newsletter October 2013

Greetings fellow fly flickers, Well the One Fly has been and gone with everyone having an enjoyable day. As I sat at the shelter relegated to the task of recording others successes, my eyes wandered to an adjoining pool and I was reflecting on our chosen activity when a small boy with the help of his father landed his first fish.
His eyes were like saucers and his pleasure shone out and as I turned back to our pool I realized that I was looking at bigger versions all catching fish or helping others to do so. Gee we have a great sport!! ……

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