Devilbend Weeding Day

Devilbend Weeding Day

Fifteen members attended the Devilbend Community Weeding Day on Sunday October 27th. The roll-up of members was great and we certainly boosted the numbers from other groups in attendance.


Russ & Steve

The task was to remove pittosporum, boneseed and other non-native plants from a defined area. Following training in what to look for, how to remove the weeds and a Workplace safety briefing from the Parks rangers we moved into the defined area and started work.


Ben tackles a pittosporum

All equipment and material was provided and we certainly made an impact in the three hours allotted. Following the working bee we adjourned to a BBQ sausage sizzle lunch provided by Parks. This gave us a further opportunity to interact with members of other interest groups who were present.

Devilbend Weeding Day

Ranger briefing

Devilbend Weeding Day

Members and local interest groups mixing

Devilbend Weeding Day

Members at the BBQ