
186 MPFF Newsletter June 2016.compressed

Greetings Fellow Fly Flickers

“Its All Happening”

The Annual Dinner is not far away so mark your calendar and make sure you tell your partner that you are going to take them out for a ‘slap-up’ meal and you will do the dishes. If you have anything that can go toward the giant raffle ……………

186 MPFF Newsletter June 2016.compressed

Harry's Rainbow in Judges Pool


Greetings Fellow Fly Flickers Whilst I sit and ponder what to talk about this month my good lady has reminded me that it is time to star packing for a trip back to Tassie. But this time its not about fishing! This trip to the isle is all about small trees-or bonsai. A chance to listen to the experts talk about making small things look big- not a lot different to describing the size of a fish when caught! So while you and fellow members are off practising piscatorial pursuits ……………..

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Devilbend Casting


Greetings Fellow Fly Flickers

As I was confined to barracks the other day the CEO suggested that a clean-up of the office would be in order, and as reams of paper were being removed to the out-basket a crumpled paper bag turned up – and it had to be important as it had Hunting & Fishing New Zealand stamped on it. Scribbled on the back was some words of wisdom I’d found in a magazine whilst in NZ and it had taken my fancy.

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn!

So as I pondered ………..

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Greetings Fellow Fly Flickers
I hope you all have had a peaceful Christmas season, well rested and ready to take on our finned friends in battle again. Your committee have been working away trying to get new venues where you can test your fishing skills. Speakers at our Club meetings will expand your knowledge and demonstrate any new products ….

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