Greetings Fellow Fly Flickers
Just a quick review of the year 2015/16. The activities have been wide and varied with trips to Creswick, Wastell Trophy, Big River, Taponga, Newlyn Reservoir, Caringal Scout Camp, New Zealand and Tassie.
NZ was a real blast ………

188 MPFF Newsletter August 2016.compressed


Greetings Fellow Fly Flickers

“A Round 2IT”

Everyone seems to have one but never gets to use it!
Well, my big brother and I had stacks of them put away for future use, but after his third stroke I still have a brother but the Round 2IT’s which consisted of ……..

187 MPFF Newsletter July 2016.compressed

186 MPFF Newsletter June 2016.compressed

Greetings Fellow Fly Flickers

“Its All Happening”

The Annual Dinner is not far away so mark your calendar and make sure you tell your partner that you are going to take them out for a ‘slap-up’ meal and you will do the dishes. If you have anything that can go toward the giant raffle ……………

186 MPFF Newsletter June 2016.compressed